Tests for assignment 5, question 2 (unify) CC-BY-NC

Maintainer: admin

Some tests for question 2 on assignment 5. Save the file as tests.sml1 and follow the instructions in the comments near the top of the file.

Please direct any questions or concerns to the thread on WebCT.

use "hw5-q2.sml";

(* ------------------------------------------------------------
   Place this file in the same directory as hw5-q2.sml, and run "sml tests.sml".
   You must have a function called "occurs" (typ option ref -> typ -> bool) and
   a function called unify (typ * typ -> unit).
   If you don't have a function called "occurs", or if it's a different type,
   set the flag testOccurs below to false.

Control.Print.printDepth := 100;

(* Define some type variables *)
val a1 : (typ option) ref = ref(NONE);
val a2 : (typ option) ref = ref(NONE);

val a3 : (typ option) ref = ref(NONE);
val a4 : (typ option) ref = ref(NONE);

val a5 : (typ option) ref = ref(NONE);
val a6 : (typ option) ref = ref(NONE);

val a7 : (typ option) ref = ref(NONE);
val a8 : (typ option) ref = ref(NONE);

val a9 : (typ option) ref = ref(NONE);
val a10 : (typ option) ref = ref(NONE);

val a11 : (typ option) ref = ref(NONE);
val a12 : (typ option) ref = ref(NONE);

(* Define some types *)
val t1 = Arrow(Product(TVar(a1), TVar(a1)), TVar(a2));
val t2 = Arrow(Product(Int, Int), TVar(a1));

val t3 = Arrow(Product(TVar(a3), TVar(a4)), TVar(a4));
val t4 = Arrow(Product(TVar(a4), TVar(a3)), TVar(a3));

val t5 = Arrow(Product(TVar(a5),TVar(a6)), TVar(a6));
val t6 = Arrow(TVar(a6), TVar(a5));

val t7 = Arrow(TVar a7, TVar a8);
val t8 = Arrow(TVar a8, TVar a7);

val t9 = Arrow(TVar a9, Int);
val t10 = TVar a10;

val t11 = Product(Arrow(TVar a11, Bool), Int);
val t12 = TVar a11;

(* Define the internal functions for testing *)
val num_pass = ref 0
val num_fail = ref 0

fun assert statement desc = let
      val test_num = Int.toString (!num_pass + !num_fail + 1);
      val _ = print ("Test " ^ test_num ^ " (" ^ desc ^ "): ")
      if statement then
          (num_pass := !num_pass + 1;
          print "OK\n")
          (num_fail := !num_fail + 1;
          print "FAIL ###############################\n")

(* Define the callable testing functions *)
fun assertCanUnify (a, b) = (unify(a, b); assert (equal(a, b)) "assertCanUnify") handle UnifyError s => assert false "assertCanUnify"

fun assertNotUnified (a, b) = assert (not (equal (a, b))) "assertNotUnified"

fun assertCannotUnify (a, b) = (unify(a, b); assert false "assertCannotUnify") handle UnifyError s => assert true "assertCannotUnify"

fun printStats () = let
    val num_passed = Int.toString (!num_pass)
    val num_total = Int.toString (!num_pass + !num_fail)
    val _ = print ("*******************************************************************************\nPassed: " ^ num_passed ^ " out of " ^ num_total ^ "\n")
      if !num_fail > 0 then
          print "Not all the tests passed. Check the failures above.\n"

(* If your occurs function is not defined, or has a different signature, then
   comment out the section below!

   Beginning of section =====================================================*)
fun assertOccurs r thing = assert (occurs r thing) "assertOccurs";
fun assertNotOccurs r thing = assert (not (occurs r thing)) "assertNotOccurs";

assertOccurs a1 t1;
assertOccurs a2 t1;
assertNotOccurs a3 t1;

assertOccurs a1 t1;
assertNotOccurs a2 t2;

assertOccurs a3 t3;
assertOccurs a4 t3;

assertOccurs a3 t4;
assertOccurs a4 t4;
assertNotOccurs a1 t4;

(* End of section ===========================================================*)

assertNotUnified (t1, t2);
assertCanUnify (t1, t2);

assertNotUnified (t3, t4);
assertCanUnify (t3, t4);

assertNotUnified (t5, t6);
assertCannotUnify (t5, t6);

assertCanUnify (t7, t8);

assertCanUnify (t9, t10);

assertCannotUnify (t11, t12);

  1. The syntax highlighting is a bit off because there's no lexer for SML, so I used the lexer for OCaml instead.