Review for quiz 2 CC-BY-NC

Maintainer: admin

Review for quiz #2, to be held during class on Tuesday, October 16. Sections covered: up until the end of chapter 10 (approximately), omitting chapter 5.

Under construction

1Chapter 3: Processes

Starting from slide 3.37

  • inter-process communication
    • mailbox sharing solutions
      • link: only two processes?
      • only one process can execute receive operation at a time?
      • round-robin scheme - sender throws it out randomly, some receiver gets it, sender gets notified as to who
    • message passing: blocking or not, on part of sender or receiver
    • queue of messages attached to link
      • zero capacity: sender waits for receiver (rendez-vous)
      • bounded (finite) capacity: sender waits if queue full
      • unbounded (infinite) capacity: sender never waits, is this even possible?
    • Examples
      • POSIX shared memory
        • process creates shared memory segment, returns an ID
        • processes wanting access to that segment must attach to it by ID (call returns pointer)
        • can write to that memory segment (using the pointer)
        • can detach it from its address space when done
      • Mach:
        • message-based (everything! even system calls)
        • all tasks are created with 2 mailboxes (which are created with port_allocate(): kernel, and notify
        • three system calls: msg_send, msg_receive, msg_rpc (remote procedure call, to execute something elsewhere)
      • Windows XP:
        • message-based using "local procedure call" (can only be used by local processes)
        • communication channels established using ports (sort of like mailboxes)
        • client opens handle to subsystem's connection port, sends a connect request
        • server creates two private communication ports, sends one to client, keeps the other one
        • corresponding ports are used by server and client to send/receive messages
  • client-server communication
    • sockets (endpoints for communication)
      • IP address + port
      • different services listen on different ports, e.g. ssh on 22, typical web servers on 80, etc
    • remote-procedure calls
      • allows clients to invoke a procedure on a remote host as if it were local
      • client-side stub locates server, marshalls parameters, sends them over (underlying details abstracted)
      • server-side stub receives messages, unmarshalls parameters, performs procedure
      • INSERT DIAGRAM LATER (or describe it at least)
    • remote method invocation (java only)
      • java program on one machine can call a method on a remote java object
      • basically the same as RMI except there are objects involved
      • THERE IS A DIAGRAM HERE. it doesn't really say much though. look it over anyway

2Chapter 4: Threads

  • Thread: unit of CPU utilisation, forms basis of multithreaded computers
    • things unique to each thread: thread ID, program counter, register set, stack
    • things threads from the same process share: code, data (statically-created variables), OS resources (open files, signals)
    • single-threaded process: code + data + files, then registers + stack
    • multi-threaded: code + data + files, then each thread gets its own registers and stack
    • Benefits of threading
      • Greater responsiveness (if one thread is blocked or busy, can keep going - e.g., webservers)
      • Resource sharing (memory, other resources)
      • Cheapter than creating new processes in terms of allocating memory and resources (context-switching is easier)
      • Scalability: threads can run in parallel on multiple processors (I don't really see how this is best characterised as "scalability"; perhaps making full use of resources?)
    • In the client-server model: client sends request, server spawns new thread to handle request, server resumes listening for requests
  • Single vs. multicore
    • on a single-core system, threads are allocated in a cycle: t1, t2, t3, t4, t1, t2, t3, t4 etc (this is what is meant by concurrency apparently?)
    • on a multicore system, concurrency means that threads are actually executed at the same time. could be t1 t3 t1 t3 on one core, t2 t4 t2 t4 on the other, etc
    • challenges of multicore systems:
      • how to divide up activities? need to find parts of application that can be divided into smaller tasks that can run in parallel
      • how to split data? must be divided to run on separate cores (? how does this make sense)
      • data dependency: what if one task depends on the results of another?
      • testing/debugging: many different execution paths
  • user-level thread libraries:
    • POSIX threads
    • win32 threads
    • Java threads
  • Kernel threads: handled by the kernel
  • Multithreading models, per process (user-to-kernel):
    • many-to-one (many user-level, single kernel)
      • examples: solaris green threads library, gnu portable threads
      • thread management done by user space thread library (efficient)
      • but only thread can access the kernel at a time, so if any user thread makes a blocking syscall entire process will block
    • one-to-one (one kernel thread per user thread)
      • examples: windows nt/xp/2000, linux, solaris 9+
      • benefits: more concurrency (syscalls are not blocking for other threads)
      • downsides: can result in decreased performance as you have to create many kernel threads, etc
      • also, some OSes limit the number of kernel threads possible at any given time
    • many-to-many
      • examples: solaris before 9, windows nt/2000 with threadfiber package (how cute)
      • many user threads mapped to the same nubmer of or fewer kernel threads
      • OS can create as many user threads as it needs to, since it doesn't have to create a kernel thread for each one
      • true concurrency: corresponding kernel threads can run in parallel on a multiprocessor (what does this have to do with anything)
    • two-level model
      • examples: IRIX, HP-UX, Tru64 unix, solaris before 9
      • like the many-to-many model, except user threads can be bound to kernel threads as well (so a superset of many-to-many)
  • thread libraries
    • APIs for creating, managing threads
    • can be implemented in user space
      • calling a function in library results in a local call (not sys call) in user space
    • or, using the kernel-level library provided by OS
      • code, data structures of library exist in kernel space
      • invoking APi function usually results in sys call
    • pthreads: a POSIX standard for APIs for thread creation and sync
      • provided as user-level or kernel-level
      • the behaviour is specified by this standard, but it can be implemented differently by different OSes
      • examples: Solaris, Mac OS X, FreeBSD, Linux (there is even a windows implementation)
    • Java threads
      • managed by the JVM, implemented using underlying thread library provided by OS
      • these threads can be created by extending the Thread class or implementing the Runnable interface
  • various issues (and non-issues) relating to threads
    • behaviour of fork()
      • should it duplicate only the calling thread or all threads of that process?
      • some unix systems thus have two versions of fork()
      • exec, when invoked by a thread, will replace all the threads in that process. wait wtf? how? and why is this relevant to fork?
    • thread cancellation (premature termination)
      • how to deal with resource allocation, or if it's updating a data segment shared by other threads?
      • asynchronous cancellation: terminates the thread immediately (bit of a misleading name)
      • deferred cancellation: thread periodically checks if it should be cancelled, giving it the chance to die nobly
        • aside: signal handling (i think this section should count as an aside, even though it has its own slide)
        • signal handlers used to notify processes that specific events (e.g., kill events) have occurred
        • event generates signal, signal gets delivered to process, signal is handled
        • many options as to whom the signal is delivered to:
          • only the relevant thread
          • every thread in the process to which the relevant thread belongs
          • certain threads in the relevant process
          • a specific thread that receives all signals for the process
    • thread pools
      • create some threads, throw them into a pool in which they wait around for work to be doled out, the poor creatures
      • faster to make an existing thread service a request than to create a new thread
      • number of threads in application bounded by the size of the pool
      • of course, this has the slight disadvantage of having to create all the threads at the very beginning (slower startup maybe)
    • thread-specific data
      • so that each thread can have its own copy of data
      • supported by most threading libraries
      • e.g., transaction system (?)
    • scheduler activations
      • what does this even meeeeeean
      • both the many-to-many and the two-level models require communication to ensure correct number of kernel threads
      • the mechanism for this communication is via upcalls (like the opposite of a system call?), from the kernel to the thread library, provided by "scheduler activations" whatever those are
  • threads in different OSes
    • windows XP
      • each app runs as a separate process
      • each can have one or more threads
      • thread library included in win32 api, one-to-one
      • fiber library (many-to-many) available too
      • each thread contains thread ID, register set, separate user/kernel stacks, private data storage area (last three collectively known as context)
      • primary data structures of a thread:
        • ethread: executive thread block (thread start address, pointer to parent block, pointer to kthread) - kernel space
        • kthread: kernel thread block (scheduling and sync info, kernel stack, pointer to teb) - kernel space
        • teb: thread environment block (thread identifier, user stack, thread-local storage) - user space
    • linux
      • called tasks not threads
      • one-to-one
      • threads created by calling clone() (allows child task to share address space of parent task, or process)
      • amount of sharing that takes place is controlled by flags
        • CLONE_FS: file-system info shared
        • CLONE_VM: same memory space
        • CLONE_SIGHAND: share signal handlers
        • CLONE_FILES: share open files (how does this differ from CLONE_FS?)
      • NPTL (Native POSIX Thread Library) supported by most modern distros, POSIX-compliant

3Chapter 10: Filesystem interface

  • attributes (kept in dir structure, which is on disk)
    • name
    • system identifier
    • type
    • location
    • size
    • protection (permissions)
    • time, date, user identification
  • operations
    • create: allocate space in system, make new entry in directory
    • write: given file name and info to be written, system searches for it, keeps a write pointer
    • read: ^ but read pointer
    • reposition in file: seek, pointer value changes
    • delete: find file, release space, delete dir entry
    • truncate: delete contents, keep attributes
  • open() system call avoids constant searching for dir entry (saves it in memory; close() frees)
    • takes file name, copies dir entry into open file table, returns pointer
    • per-process table (pointer, rights), system-wide (location, access dates, file size)
    • to manage open files, need pointer, open count, location, access rights
  • access methods
    • sequential
    • direct
    • index
    • can simulate sequential on direct
    • direct on sequential is inefficient
  • storing files on disks
    • partitions
    • raw or formatted
    • RAID protection
    • volume = entity with filesystem
  • directory structure
    • collection of nodes pointing to files
    • operations
      • search for file
      • create
      • delete
      • list
      • rename
      • traverse
    • single-level directory for all users: dumb
    • two-level, one for each user: bad for cooperation
    • tree-structured: each file has unique path name
      • acyclic graph
      • hard links?
      • multiple abs path names
      • reference list: delete files when no references to it exist
      • self-reference?
      • check that there are no cycles
  • mounting
  • sharing, etc, nothing special
  • failure
    • directory corruption, disk-controller failure, etc
  • types of access (for right management):
    • read
    • write
    • execute
    • append
    • delete
    • list