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Summary of Lab 6 for BIOL 112 (Winter 2011). Week of Feb 14, 2011. It was a lovely week.
1Introduction to photosynthesis¶
- Unique to plants (and some bacteria and protists lol)
- Pigments capture light energy, convert to chemical energy
- Principal pigments: green chlorophylls
- Two forms: chlorophyll a (blue-green) and b (yellow-green)
- Primarily absorb blue and red light (narrow range of the light spectrum)
- Accessory pigments: less efficient (carotenoids)
- Absorb blue-green light
- Examples: carotene, xanthophylls; can come in various colours
- Pigments found in organelles called chloroplasts (where photosynthesis takes place)
- The basis process: 6 carbon dioxide + 12 water --> sugar + 6 water + 6 oxygen (from original water molecule)
- The water molecules are split by light
- Measurement of the amount of oxygen evolved can indicate the rate of photosynthesis under different conditions
2Rate of photosynthesis under varying light conditions¶
- Procedure:
- Overhead lights turned off
- Assemble manometer
- Fill test tube with sodium carbonate solution (source of carbon dioxide)
- Obtain sprig of Elodea, cut 1cm off broken end, place rest of sprig in test tube (should be no air in test tube)
- Place test tube in rack, fill beaker with cold water, place in front of rack (heat sink, prevent heat from killing Elodea lol)
- Make a light barrier around three sides of the test tube rack
- Start the 30cm mark, leave for 15 minutes; record change in volume
- Same for 5cm mark
- Now, still at 5cm, repeat for three filters: green, red, blue (only the desired colour will pass through)
- Make sure to normalise for 5 minutes to white light before moving to next colour filter
- Results:
- Distance: more oxygen evolved when plant is closer to light (greater light intensity)
- Colour: green least, red and blue best
- Chlorophyll a and b reflect green, but accessory pigments can absorb green etc
- Absorb red and blue, but blue is better because it has a higher frequency, so more energy etc
3Ascending paper chromatography of plant pigments¶
- Alcohol/acetone (?) extract of leaves provided (pigment solution)
- Chlorophyll fluorescence: hold it up to light, intense red colour emitted
- Substance absorbs radiant energy, immediately re-emits some of it (longer wavelength)
- Process:
- Use a glass slide, draw pigment onto the filter paper strip many times until dark
- Add petroleum ether: acetone (a bit) to test tube; place paper in it (streak should be above)
- Allow the solvent to move up the paper, 20 mins; pigments separate into 4 distinct bands
- Top: carotenes (yellow-orange)
- Xanthophylls (yellow)
- Chlorophyll a (blue-green)
- Chlorophyll b (yellow-green)
- Also, brown bands of photo-degraded chlorophyll and translucent bands of lipid may be seen
- Note: if we had used a pigment that was not soluble in the solvent, it wouldn't have moved at all
- Also, if we used a different solvent, the bands would be different (because of different solubility in the solvent)
- More soluble substances move up more (more soluble in the mobile phase etc)
4The necessity of light for chlorophyll formation¶
- Chlorophyll formation almost always requires light
- Demonstration: seedlings of peas, grown in either light or total darkness
- Light inhibits growth of the stem in length, but stimulates growth of leaves
- Those grown in the dark are longer, but no leaves, and
- Red or blue light but not green light are effective for inducing greening
- Some plants can form chlorophyll even without light
- Chlorophyll formation also requires a certain temperature range and certain ions
- A plant grown in the dark might lack chlorophyll because photochlorophyll can only become chlorophyll in the presence of light
- The reaction is quick, so if we leave something in light for a short while, will quickly become green
5Formation of starch in photosynthesis¶
- Geranium plants kept in darkness for 3 days, ensure that reserve food materials (mostly starch) were used up
- In leaves, starch is readily degraded to sugar, which then is respired, producing chemical energy
- After the starvation period, leaves partly covered with foil
- Anyways, results:
- Starch molecules: don't diffuse from light-receiving parts of leaves to covered parts
- Because they are too large
- In some plant parts, starch can be formed even in darkness ... from high concentrations of glucose; energy comes from glucose respiration