Maintainer: admin
Some tests for question 2 on assignment 5. Save the file as tests.sml
1 and follow the instructions in the comments near the top of the file.
Please direct any questions or concerns to the thread on WebCT.
use "hw5-q2.sml"; (* ------------------------------------------------------------ Place this file in the same directory as hw5-q2.sml, and run "sml tests.sml". You must have a function called "occurs" (typ option ref -> typ -> bool) and a function called unify (typ * typ -> unit). If you don't have a function called "occurs", or if it's a different type, set the flag testOccurs below to false. ------------------------------------------------------------*) Control.Print.printDepth := 100; (* Define some type variables *) val a1 : (typ option) ref = ref(NONE); val a2 : (typ option) ref = ref(NONE); val a3 : (typ option) ref = ref(NONE); val a4 : (typ option) ref = ref(NONE); val a5 : (typ option) ref = ref(NONE); val a6 : (typ option) ref = ref(NONE); val a7 : (typ option) ref = ref(NONE); val a8 : (typ option) ref = ref(NONE); val a9 : (typ option) ref = ref(NONE); val a10 : (typ option) ref = ref(NONE); val a11 : (typ option) ref = ref(NONE); val a12 : (typ option) ref = ref(NONE); (* Define some types *) val t1 = Arrow(Product(TVar(a1), TVar(a1)), TVar(a2)); val t2 = Arrow(Product(Int, Int), TVar(a1)); val t3 = Arrow(Product(TVar(a3), TVar(a4)), TVar(a4)); val t4 = Arrow(Product(TVar(a4), TVar(a3)), TVar(a3)); val t5 = Arrow(Product(TVar(a5),TVar(a6)), TVar(a6)); val t6 = Arrow(TVar(a6), TVar(a5)); val t7 = Arrow(TVar a7, TVar a8); val t8 = Arrow(TVar a8, TVar a7); val t9 = Arrow(TVar a9, Int); val t10 = TVar a10; val t11 = Product(Arrow(TVar a11, Bool), Int); val t12 = TVar a11; (* Define the internal functions for testing *) val num_pass = ref 0 val num_fail = ref 0 fun assert statement desc = let val test_num = Int.toString (!num_pass + !num_fail + 1); val _ = print ("Test " ^ test_num ^ " (" ^ desc ^ "): ") in if statement then (num_pass := !num_pass + 1; print "OK\n") else (num_fail := !num_fail + 1; print "FAIL ###############################\n") end (* Define the callable testing functions *) fun assertCanUnify (a, b) = (unify(a, b); assert (equal(a, b)) "assertCanUnify") handle UnifyError s => assert false "assertCanUnify" fun assertNotUnified (a, b) = assert (not (equal (a, b))) "assertNotUnified" fun assertCannotUnify (a, b) = (unify(a, b); assert false "assertCannotUnify") handle UnifyError s => assert true "assertCannotUnify" fun printStats () = let val num_passed = Int.toString (!num_pass) val num_total = Int.toString (!num_pass + !num_fail) val _ = print ("*******************************************************************************\nPassed: " ^ num_passed ^ " out of " ^ num_total ^ "\n") in if !num_fail > 0 then print "Not all the tests passed. Check the failures above.\n" else () end; (* If your occurs function is not defined, or has a different signature, then comment out the section below! Beginning of section =====================================================*) fun assertOccurs r thing = assert (occurs r thing) "assertOccurs"; fun assertNotOccurs r thing = assert (not (occurs r thing)) "assertNotOccurs"; assertOccurs a1 t1; assertOccurs a2 t1; assertNotOccurs a3 t1; assertOccurs a1 t1; assertNotOccurs a2 t2; assertOccurs a3 t3; assertOccurs a4 t3; assertOccurs a3 t4; assertOccurs a4 t4; assertNotOccurs a1 t4; (* End of section ===========================================================*) assertNotUnified (t1, t2); assertCanUnify (t1, t2); assertNotUnified (t3, t4); assertCanUnify (t3, t4); assertNotUnified (t5, t6); assertCannotUnify (t5, t6); assertCanUnify (t7, t8); assertCanUnify (t9, t10); assertCannotUnify (t11, t12); printStats();
The syntax highlighting is a bit off because there's no lexer for SML, so I used the lexer for OCaml instead. ↩