Maintainer: admin
class MyList implements Iterable<Foo>{ private ArrayList<Foo> list; public Iterator<Foo> iterator(){ return list.iterator(); } }
public class Observable{ private ArrayList<Observer> obs = new ArrayList<Observer>(); private boolean changed; public attach(Observer o){ obs.add(o); } public void setChanged(){ changed = true; } public void notifyAll(){ if(changed){ for(Observer ob:obs){ ob.update(); } changed = false; } } } public interface Observer{ public void update(); }
public interface Comparator<E> { public int compare(E a, E b); } public Class Sorter<E>{ public interface Comparator<E> comparator; public ArrayList<E> sort(ArrayList<E> e){ // sort using the comparator } public void setStrategy(Comparator<E> c){ this.comparator = c; } } public class CompareBySize<E> implements Comparator{ public int compare(E a, E b){ // implementation } } public class CompareByColour<E> implements Comparator{ public int compare(E a, E b){ // implementation } }
public abstract class AbstractFile{ public String name; private int size; public abstract int getSize(); } public class Directory extends AbstractFile{ private ArrayList<AbstractFile> files; public int getSize(){ int totalSize = 0; for(AbstractFile f:files){ totalSize+=f.getSize(); } return totalSize; } } public class File extends AbstractFile{ public int getSize(){ return size; } }
public interface Frame{ public void op1(); public void op2(); public void op3(); } public class PlainPart implements Frame{ public void op1(){ // implementation } public void op2(){ // implementation } public void op3(){ // implementation } } public abstract class DecoratedPart implements Frame{ private PlainPart p; public DecoratedPart(PlainPart p){ this.p = p; } public void op1(){ p.op1(); } public void op2(){ p.op2(); } public void op3(){ p.op3(); } } // concrete decorator public class RedPart extends DecoratedPart{ public RedPart(Frame p){ super(p); } void paint(Graphics g){ // being red n shit } } public class Test { public main(args){ DecoratedPart myPart = new RedPart(new(PlainPart()); // do some magic with myPart! } }
// this class is written by some biologist public class SarcoplasmicReticulum{ public void releaseCalcium(){ // implementation } } public class Myosin{ public void relax(){ // implementation } public void hydrolysis(){ // implementation } } public class Troponin{ public void bindCalcium(){ // implementation } public void hydrolysis(){ // implementation } } public class Tropomyosin{ public void fallAway(){ // implementaion } } // the facade class public class MuscleCell{ private Myosin m; private Troponin t; private Tropomyosin tm; private SarcoplasmicReticulum sr; public void contract(){ sr.releaseCalcium(); t.bindCalcium(); t.hydrolysis(); tm.fallAway(); m.hydrolysis(); m.relax(); } } public class SwoleGuy{ private MuscleCell [] m; public void squatz(){ for(MuscleCell mc : m){ mc.contract(); } } public void oatz(){ // implementation } }
public class Sun{ private static Sun ourSun = new Sun(); public static Sun getInstance(){ return ourSun; } private Sun(){} }
public class CardFactory { private static HashMap<String, Card> cards = new HashMap<>(); public static Card getCard(String key) { if (cards.containsKey(key)) { return cards.get(key); }else{ Card c = new Card(key); cards.put(key, c); return c; } } }
Card c = CardFactory.getCard("Black Ace"); Card d = CardFactory.getCard("Black Ace"); c == d // this is true
public interface Method{ public void doSomething(); } public class Ship{ private Method thingToDo; public setThingToDo(Method m){ thingToDo = m; } public doThings(){ thingToDo.doSomething(); } } public class Commander{ public void sail(){ Ship s = new Ship(); s.setThingToDo(new Method m(){ public void doSomething(){ // things } }); s.doThings(); } }
public interface Prototype{ public void op1(); public void op2(); public void op3(); } public class PlanA implements Prototype, Cloneable{ public op1(){ // implementation } public op2(){ // implementation } public op3(){ // implementation } public PlanA clone() throws CloneNotSupportedException{ return (PlanA)super.clone(); } } public class PlanB implements Prototype, Cloneable{ public op1(){ // implementation } public op2(){ // implementation } public op3(){ // implementation } public PlanB clone() throws CloneNotSupportedException{ return (PlanB)super.clone(); } } public class Test{ public static void main(){ PlanA a = new PlanA(); PlanB b = new PlanB(); Prototype t = (Prototype)a.clone(); Prototype c = (Prototype)b.clone(); } }
public interface Visitable{ public void accept(Visitor v); } public class Book implements Visitable{ public void accept(Visitor v){ v.visit(this); } public void read() {} /** book stuff **/ } public class Movie implements Visitable{ public void accept(Visitor v){ v.visit(this); } public void watch() {} /** movie stuff **/ } public interface Visitor{ public void visit(Book b); public void visit(Movie m); } public class Person implements Visitor{ public void visit(Book b){; } public void visit(Movie m){; } } public class Test{ public static void main(String [] args){ ArrayList<Vistable> stuff = new ArrayList<Visitable>(); /*... put stuff in stuff*/ Person p = new Person(); for(Visitable v: stuff){ v.accept(p); // the person will read/watch depending on the type of stuff } } }