1IEEE floating-point arithmetic¶
1.1IEEE floating-point representation¶
Hidden bit techniques
subnormal numbers
normalized numbers
machine epsilon
gap between two consecutive floating point numbers
rounding for different modes
bounds on absolute error
bounds on relative error
1.2IEEE rules¶
Computed value of sum/difference/production/difference of x and y
is the rounded value of the theoretical operation. -
Numerical cancellation
2Solving linear equations¶
cost analysis for GENP and GEPP
2.2Theoretical results¶
- if we use GEPP, then usually the residual
$|| r|| \leq o(\epsilon)||A||||x_c||$. where $r = b-Ax_c$, and that
$\frac{||x-x_c||}{||x||} = o(\epsilon ||A||\cdot||A^{-1}||$
2.3Algorithms for tridiagonal linear system¶
Algorithm design for tridiagonal linear system.
If tridiagonal matrix is strictly dominant by column GEPP same as
3Solving $f(x) = 0$¶
Why iterative methods
3 methods
Bisection: should know formula <- linear convergence rate
Newton method: should know how to prove convergence, "usually"
quadratic convergence rate. -
Secant: should also know the formula <- super linear convergence
Comparison of the three methods. The advantages of each of them. (i.e.,
rate of convergence)
4Polynomial interpolation¶
$P(x) = y_i, i= 0,1,\dots,n$ , need to know the existence and uniqueness
of the polynomial interpolation
4.1Mehods of interpolation¶
Vandermonde approach
Lagrange approach
Newton approach
4.2Polynomial evaluation¶
Idea of nested multiplication. given some x’s, give an efficient method to
evaluate the polynomial.
4.3Runge function $f(x) = \frac{1}{1+25x^2}, x\in [-1,1] $¶
We showed that as the degree of the polynomial increases, the
interpolation gets worse. This function indicates that high-degree
polynomial interpolation is dangerous.
5Spline interpolation¶
Linear spline and cubic spline.
6Least square approximation¶
$\min_c \sum_{i=0}^m (y_i - \sum_{j=0}^n c_j \phi_j (x_i))^2 = ||y-Ac||_2^2$
The LS solution satisifies normal equation $A^T Ac = A^T y$
7Numerical integration¶
$$I = \int_a^b f(x)dx$$
Rectangle Rule: need to know how to derive
Trapezoid Rule: need to know how to derive
Midpoint Rule: need to know how to derive
Simpson's Rule: need to know how to derive
Adaptive Simpson's Rule: need to know the motivation and idea (how does
it work) -
Gaussian quadratic rule: method of derivation, and advantages
Need to know order of error for all of these. Need to know how to prove
the error for the rectangle rule using the mean value theorem.
8Numerical solution for ODEs¶
Euler’s method: need to know error analysis and derivation
Trapezoidal Euler’s method: need to know derivation
Midpoint Euler’s method: need to know derivation
Taylor series method (not tested)
Runge-Kutta methods of order 2 and 4 (advantages of this)