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- cell and nuclear shrinkage
- condensation of chromatin and fragmnetation of DNA
- phagocytosis of cellular remains
- cytoplasmic vacuolation
- different from necrosis : from injury and rapid cellular lysis
1.1neurons apotosis¶
- number of neurons present at different times during development first indicated that many neurons were first overproduced and subsequently lost
chick embryo experiment
- increasing the size of limb target reduces motorneuron deaths
blocking muscle activity with curarae : prevent death of motoneurons
neurotrophic factor hypothesis:
- target keep neurons alive. More motorneurons were born and those that don't receive trophic factors die.
- trophic factor : NGF
- discovered in mouse sarcoma tumor which produced hypertrophy of chick nervous system
- increase sprouting and survival of chick sensory ganglion
- a complex of 3 gene products
- beta homodiomer: trophic activitiy
- locally controls neuritic growth, as demonstrated in cultural dish w compartments
2Neurotrophic factors#¶
- other trophic factors : BDNF, NT3, NT3/4
- trks : trasnmembrane tyrosine kinase that are receptors for neurotrophins
- trkA: NGF and NT3
- trkB: BDNF, NT3, NT4/5
- trkC: NT3
- trk signaling
- dimerize and self-phosphorylate via SH2 domain and signal transduction
- recruits Shc -> Grb -> Sos -> Ras -> MAP kinase cascade (Raf -> MEK -> ERK)
- injecting activated ras, raf or MEK into neurons generate a similar effect as NGF
p75 : binds w all the neurotrophic factors
- promote cell death via its death domain
neurotrophin promotes cell survival via
- phospholipase C gamma and posphotidylinositol-3-kinase
- Akt activation --> Bcl2 --| apoptosis
- bcl2 (ced-9 in C elegans) block apaf1 (Ced-4)
- Apaf1 leads to caspase activation and apoptosis
neurotrophin signaling:
- axonal sprouting: locally
- cell survival and other changes in gene expression: retrograde transport to cell body
- combination of several trophic factors rae required to keep a cell alive
2.1Steroid Hormones¶
- contains zinc finger motif to bind to DNA sequence called HRE (hormone response elements)
- rats
- males have bigger SDN-POA (dimorphic nucleus of the preoptic area) because testosterone acts as a trophic factor
- extrogen receptor mediates the effect of testosterone
- song birds:
- RA and HVA nuclei for song learning: bigger in males during mating season than in females
- due to circulating testosterone